Henvey Inlet First Nation Dodems
Henvey Inlet First Nation Dodems

Community/Committee Meeting February 27, 2007

Meeting commencement: 6:00 pm
Meeting concludes: 9:05 pm

Community Members:
Debbie Newton – Council
Irene Contin
Marlene Shawana
Gloria Missabie
Valerie Ashawasega
Elwood Ashawasega Jr.

Committee Members:
Judy ContinKim McQuabbie
Carrie Lynn Bennett
Eleanor Moses
Victor Ashawasega
Allan McDonald
Genevieve Solomon Dubois

Regrets: Morris Ashawasegai, Sherry Contin

Ken Noble – Briefed community members on where HIFN is, in the FNLMA process. We’re close to the end of the fiscal year, March 31st 2007..  We will soon be entering into negotiations for a new budget. The FNLMI process is normally about a two year process. HIFN did not really get up and running until September. We’re probably not going to need another full year. The biggest job, is to draft the land code.

Once we’re done developing a draft code, we will be doing community consultations, before a ratification vote.

We will need to think about the areas of the land code which need to be discussed more in depth.

Further in the Land Code, is the Dispute Resolution process. And we will be discussing that process at length. Both Jen and Ken have spoken with a lawyer today to come up with several systems that would be appropriate for HIFN. By the next meeting, there should be several different options to consider.

Another discussion area includes issues surrounding CP policies, and Matrimonial Real Property, as well as Wills and Estates. Jen reviewing all current interests for the band. There are some unresolved issues, and maybe can look at wording to solve those problems in the future. There will be a lot of debate in this area.

The committee also has some decisions to make around community votes when amending the Land Code. Need to talk about quorums, and what is appropriate for HIFN when it comes to how many eligible voters should there be when making decisions for the community.

After land code has been drafted, there will be a set amount of money from the government to manage its own lands, as set out in the Framework Agreement and Individual Agreement.

Question from Judy: Where is Environmental Assessment at? Is it just a draft? There some items missing in the draft in respect to sensitive sites like a burial ground on Contin Island, as well as medicinal plants. She has called Cory Ostrowka from Neegan Burnside.

Ken: Yes, it’s only draft right now, and in Phase 2. If they have missed something, there is time to go back and put them into. Maps will continue to be updated and items noted in the report.

Designation question: Basically, when the referendum was previously done, it was designated for leasing purposes only. It’s under a head lease, and is another authority. Through the land code, it stays as such, but to de-commission or amend the referendum land and change leases, will require a referendum, because it has been mandated in the referendum.

MRP: we have an obligation under the Land Code to do this MRP; we have a year after to do that. There are some issues happening in Canada, the federal government, wants to impose matrimonial real property laws on First Nations. If they pass the legislation, it will over-rule MRP laws on reserve. Still doing some more research on that. Estate Laws is also closely intertwined with the MRP.  Needs to be dealt with now, and be aware of it.  Those kinds of issues need to be talked about. Ken spoke with the NWAC person about MRP; there were processes around healing even before the divisions of interests in the matrimonial homes.

 Begin Committee portion of the meeting. 6:44 pm.

Ken: Website info and member bios need to be in. Also, the website indicates how many visitors have entered the site.

Ken asked Debbie Newton, how many eligible voters does HIFN have? 476 Eligible Voters for HIFN

Chairperson: Carrie Lynn Bennett

1) February 13 2007 amendments reviewed on February 27 2007

Committee chair person Carrie Lynn Bennett starts the amendments by addressing the decisions by voters at a community meeting.

Membership will convene at a community meeting prior to the enactment of a land law:

A members meeting shall be held by HIFN to discuss and make a decision on the following matters


c) Community approval at a community meeting of members must be obtained for the following.

The committee had discussed the choices brought forward to them at great lengths the option that was chosen was the following:


A Band membership meeting shall be held to obtain approval for the following:

Move:   Genevieve Solomon                                Second: Victor Ashawasegai

List of matters.

The committee moves into reviewing the list and need to decide whether the items list need to either can be addressed by Chief and Councilor by lands committee

a)land use plan

Moved by Allan McDonald                                    seconded: Judy Contin.

b)Any land law or land resolution that chief and Council is unable to enact due to conflict of interest.

Some talk on how at present Chief and council deal with this area and ask mentioned by Councilor Debbie Newton if a member of chief and Council have direct personal concerns or involvement then that individual removes themselves from any decision making.

No action taken to be discussed at next meeting March 13 2007.

The next two items c) & d) had some areas that the committee had addressed and the topics where, number of years and some of the wording that was felt where similar to each other and the type of usage and condition of license. Upon lengthy deliberation by all present including community members’ rewording was presented that should address great topics brought forward. And states

a)Any grant or disposition of an interest, license or permit of resources on community lands that is not covered in the land use plan, that is longer than 15 years.

Move: Carrie Lynn Bennett                      Second: Kim McQuabbie

Base d on the previous conversation by the committee members the next decision was made easier to make which was the number of year on a mortgage and this had to refer to our  Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation houses here on reserve. The numbers are different by ten years in the city, some felt it could benefit the community if the numbers were 35 years but, in the end it remains at 25 years

A)Any charge or mortgage that is longer that 25 years;

Move:   Carrie Lynn Bennett                                            Second: Kim McQuabbie

A)any borrowing that exceeds the limits under section Jennifer will look into this and bring it to the table next meeting

No action taken at this time.

f)    Any amendment to this Land Code;

Move: Genevieve Solomon- Dubois                                               Second: Eleanor Moses

Any voluntary exchange of Henvey Inlet First Nation land: clarification was given as equal value and same acreage and defined that it needed to be the federal government that Henvey inlet would be negotiating with, and the new item reads as.

a)Any voluntary exchange of HIFN land with the federal government.

Move: Kim McQuabbie                                        Second: Genevieve Solomon - Dubois

Framework Agreement – Archive

The Operational Phase under the First Nations Land Management Act began in January 2010.

Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management

Under Construction!!
CLICK HERE for the Introduction to the Development Phase 2006-2009 

Watch for new postings to include Members of the Lands Advisory Committee, Meeting Minutes and new information as it emerges.

Here are the headlines from July 9, 2003 – Turtle Island Native Network

Choices for First Nations Regarding Land Management Issues vs. First Nations Land Management Act

A step toward self-government. No more Indian Act control over management of lands.

Henvey Inlet’s Land Code passed in the December 7, 2009 vote

Here are the results: 
Yes = 186 
No = 24

CLICK HERE to view the Framework Agreement 

Henvey Inlet First Nation Land Code Committee Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2006

Henvey Inlet First Nation Land Code Committee
September 28, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Meeting commenced: 5:00 p.m
Adjourned:  7:35 p.m


Ken Noble, Consultant
Jennifer Ashawasegai, Land Code Coordinator
Terry Bennett, Communications Assistant 

Committee Members:
Morris Ashawasagai
Victor Ashawasagai
Carrie Lyn Bennett
Sherry Contin
Judy Contin
Genevieve Solomon Dubois
Allan McDonald

Introduction to First Nations Lands Management Act (FNLMA) process delivered by project consultant Ken Noble. Noble briefed committee on roles of Indian Affairs, Federal government, committee and the FNLMA resource centre.

 Two meetings per month were suggested, to familiarize committee with Land Codes and FNLMA process.

 A draft of the land codes will optimistically be developed by the end of the fiscal year (March 31, 2007). Committee members were asked for their commitment to attend meetings regularly. Members agreed.

Allan McDonald asked if legal counsel has been chosen. Noble indicated the band’s lawyer, Bill Taggart could be utilized in that capacity.

Victor Ashawasagai was concerned about arguments from community members. Noble suggested concerns be put in writing, as well as invite the community member to a meeting. Input from all community members is welcome. Committee meetings are open to all membership, and members are encouraged to comment on land codes in development. Noble also explained conflict of interest to committee.

Land Code Coordinator Jennifer Ashawasegai, explained she will not be present for two weeks in October and December due to school commitments.

Ken says invites will be extended to First Nations that have been through the process. Their experiences will be valuable to learn.

Ken also mentioned an Elder in the Sault Ste. Marie area who has been concerned with the wording in the Framework Agreement.  The wording is in respect to surrendering land in the Robinson Huron Treaty, which was never surrendered. Ken says we have to be careful with the wording on this as well.

A power point presentation will be given at the next meeting, as there were technical difficulties for this meeting.

Quorum was established amongst committee members. There will need to be at least five committee members present in order to hold meetings. All agreed.

Finance Administrator, Millie Pawis will be invited to next meeting to share experiences with local management practices.

Next meeting: October 12, 2006 @ 6 pm.

Henvey Inlet First Nation Land Code Committee

October 26, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Commenced: 6:00 pm
Adjourned: 9:00 pm


Ken Noble, Consultant
Jennifer Ashawasegai, Land Code Coordinator
Terry Bennett, Communications Assitant

Committee Members: Community Members:
Eleanor Moses Jamie Contin
Victor Ashawasagai Dmitri Ashawasegai
Judy Contin Marlene Shawana
Morris Ashawasagai  
Alex Ashawasagai  
Sherry Contin  
Genevieve Solomon Dubois  
Allan McDonald  
Carrie Lynn Bennett  

Ken Noble opened meeting, went over committee house keeping. Discussed Terry’s visit to Moose Deer Point and Dokis to meet with Lands staff on both First Nations.

Terry brought back several visual cd’s on the FNLMA process. Ken suggested members take them home and watch.The cd’s are full of information on the Land Code process. The committee will be reviewing some of the Land Codes, as well as the lands section in the Indian Act, as it relates to the project.

Upon reviewing the budget, it was pointed out that only nine committee members are needed for the process, and we currently have ten. After some discussion, it was decided to continue as we are at the present time. All members agreed.

Land Code Coordinator Jennifer Ashawasegai had visited Garden River First Nation in September, and gave a brief report. GRFN goes through each land code individually. They have been in the process for a couple of years, and may be getting close to ratifying their land codes.

Next meeting: November 9, 2006

Henvey Inlet First Nation Land Code Committee

October 12, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Commenced: 6:00 pm

Adjourned: 8:00 pm



Ken Noble, Consultant
Jennifer Ashawasegai, Land Code Coordinator
Terry Bennett, Communications Assistant


Millie Pawis, HIFN Finance Administrator


Community Members: Committee Members:
Elwood Ashawasaga Jr. Kim McQuabbie
Murphy Pawis Morris Ashawasagai
Jamie Contin Victor Ashawasagai
Greg Newton Allan McDonald
Darrell Newton Carrie Lynn Bennett
Marlene Shawana Alex Ashawasagai
Matthew Newton Genevieve Solomon Dubois
Fern Panamick Judy Contin
Raine McQuabbie Eleanor Moses
James P Contin  
Candice Kagagins  
Deborah Newton  
Ed Panamick Sr.  
Jessica Ashawasagai  

Millie Pawis, HIFN Finance Administrator began her presentation with a brief history of the First Nation.The history included highlights on the logging era. Millie stressed the importance of drafting wills. She also relayed concerns families currently deal with regarding this issue. (Wills and estates, Matrimonial Real Property are sections included in the Land Codes).

HIFN will soon be undergoing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the FNLMA process. Millie expressed her concerns about leased land on Henvey Inlet #2, with respect to raw sewage emptying into HIFN water. A dye test confirmed the contamination.This concern will be addressed in the EA.

Following Millie’s presentation, Ken Noble began his power point presentation. Committee roles were addressed to present community members. Ken briefed community members on the FNLMA process and draft land code procedures, including the land code ratification after a final draft has been completed.

Communications Assistant, Terry Bennett relayed that not all committee members were present at the meeting. Committee members are soon to be receiving letters to verify commitment to the process, and if there were others who wish to assist, to let him know at the end of the meeting. Deborah Newton, Jamie Contin and Greg Newton expressed their interest to sit on the committee.

A community meeting will soon be held to educate and inform members about the process.

Upon the next meeting, October 26, 2006, the Land Code Committee will begin to review the draft land codes provided by the Resource Centre.

Henvey Inlet First Nation Land Code Committee Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2006

Meeting Commenced: 6:00 pm
Adjourned: 9:00 pm


Ken Noble, Consultant
Jennifer Ashawasegai, Land Code Coordinator
Terry Bennett, Communications Assistant

Committee Members: Community Members:
Alex Ashawasagai Marlene Shawana
Morris Ashawasagai Cory Ashawasagai
Victor Ashawasagai Elwood Ashawasaga Jr.
Carrie Lynn Bennett Dmitri Ashawasegai
Judy Contin Matthew Newton
Sherry Contin  
Allan McDonald  
Kim McQuabbie  
Eleanor Moses  
Genevieve Solomon Dubois  

Ken Noble opened the meeting. Ken updated committee on land claims, and how they will not have an effect on the Land Codes, or the FNLMA process.  

The committee was given copies of the Robinson Huron Treaty, and there was some discussion around the treaty.  

Ken provided committee with a Ratification Process Activities schedule. Committee reviewed schedule.

Community member Matthew Newton presented photographs of an area on Henvey Inlet #2 which has been used as a dumping site. Concern over how long that has been going on.  

Land Code Coordinator Jennifer Ashawasegai, guided committee through draft land codes. There was discussion around section Lands and Interests Affected. Committee member Morris Ashawasagai wanted to know more details in respect to ownership of land in conjunction with water ways. It was not known exactly what percentage is owned by HIFN. Jennifer will investigate this issue, and have an answer for next meeting.

Genevieve Solomon Dubois recommended including common law relationships under the spouse definition in the land codes, as it was not included in the original definition. Jennifer said she would include this in the re-vised version of the land codes for HIFN.  

There was some confusion in definitions of Inclusion of Lands or Interests. Jennifer will get clarification for next meeting.  

In Law Making section, the committee felt perhaps Chief and Council had too much to say on the development of laws. The committee thought the community should be more involved in that process.

The committee recommended a member of council be present at all meetings to inform on current processes in respect to land management. Terry will write a letter to Chief and Council with Committee’s request.

Upon further discussion, committee members wondered how Land Laws would be enforced in the future. Is there a budget for this? Is there funding for a by-law enforcement officer? Will be looked into for next meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting: November 23, 2006


Money Management Workshop With BMO

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo


Tuesday July 30 at 6:00pm

O&M Building

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O.P.P. Workshop August 1, 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo

O.P.P. Workshop

How to avoid Fraud / Scams / Solicitors & Drugs / Alcohol Problem

Thursday, August 1, at 6:00 pm

0&M Building

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Notice To Members July 18 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation Logo Mobile

Notice To Members July 18, 2024

There is a new document in the Member's Portal section of the website, Robinson Huron Treaty Annuities Settlement UPDATE FAQ.

You can log in to the Member's Portal through the website menu or by Clicking Here and providing the required information.

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Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Maintenance Worker to join our Administration for a 6-month contract. The Home Maintenance Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing primarily exterior home maintenance and minor home repairs for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires excellent customer service and interpersonal communication skills and a strong work ethic.

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New Information For Band Members Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund Logo

New Information For Band Members: Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Attention members,

There is new information available today regarding the Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty.

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The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Settlement PDF Banner

The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Please Follow This Link to the The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page which has been updated on July 13, 2024.

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Home Support Worker- Short Term

Home Support Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Support Worker to join our Administration for a six-week contract with possibility of extension. The Home Support Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing in-home housekeeping and personal care support for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires high-level of personal integrity and professionalism.

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July 2024

July 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of July's newsletter: July 2024


  • Offices Closed Monday July 1
  • Day Care Newsletter
  • Diabetic Foot Care- July 3
  • Job Postings
  • Band Rep Schedule
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Back 2 School Event announcement
  • CanFitPro Gym Sessions
  • Internet Safety/Sexulized Behaviour Workshop- July 9
  • Adult Paint Day- July 17
  • Diabetic Bingo- July 18
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- July 23
  • NEW PROGRAM- Non Thermal Laser Therapy- July 11, 18, 25
  • Catering Posting
  • HIV/AIDS Presentation- July 22
  • HIV/AIDS Workshop for Youth- July 10

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

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Elementary School Bus Driver

Elementary School Bus Driver

Henvey Inlet First Nation is seeking a Elementary School Bus Driver to join our Administration for a temporary, 10-month contract for the 2024-25 school year. The Elementary School Bus Driver reports to the Education Counsellor and is responsible for transporting students of various ages to and from their homes and respective schools in a timely and safe manner and in accordance with MTO driving regulations, Ontario traffic laws and safe driving practices. This position requires excellent organization, communication and customer service skills.

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Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6pm

Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6PM


General Members Meeting

June 10 2024 6PM

Attend in-person, by computer or by telephone

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2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting Notice

Henvey Inlet First Nation Legacy Trust

2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting

WHERE: O&M Building, Henvey Inlet First Nation

WHEN: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Read more

June 2024

June 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of June's newsletter: June 2024


  • Offices Closed Thursday June 6
  • Day Care June Newsletter
  • Band Council Meeting- June 10
  • Diabetic Foot Care- June 5
  • Job Posting
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Ontario Works- June 13
  • Traditional Parenting- June 4 & 5
  • Father's Day event- June 11
  • Summer Bingo- June 18
  • Diabetic Bingo- June 24
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- June 25
  • Men's Circle- June 11 & 25

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

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Money Management Workshop With BMO

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo


Tuesday July 30 at 6:00pm

O&M Building

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O.P.P. Workshop August 1, 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation logo

O.P.P. Workshop

How to avoid Fraud / Scams / Solicitors & Drugs / Alcohol Problem

Thursday, August 1, at 6:00 pm

0&M Building

Read more

Notice To Members July 18 2024

Henvey Inlet First Nation Logo Mobile

Notice To Members July 18, 2024

There is a new document in the Member's Portal section of the website, Robinson Huron Treaty Annuities Settlement UPDATE FAQ.

You can log in to the Member's Portal through the website menu or by Clicking Here and providing the required information.

Read more

Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Home Maintenance Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Maintenance Worker to join our Administration for a 6-month contract. The Home Maintenance Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing primarily exterior home maintenance and minor home repairs for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires excellent customer service and interpersonal communication skills and a strong work ethic.

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New Information For Band Members Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund Logo

New Information For Band Members: Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty

Attention members,

There is new information available today regarding the Notice to Beneficiaries of the Robinson Huron Treaty.

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The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Settlement PDF Banner

The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page Has Been Updated

Please Follow This Link to the The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Page which has been updated on July 13, 2024.

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Home Support Worker- Short Term

Home Support Worker- Short Term

Henvey Inlet First Nation is currently seeking a temporary, full-time Home Support Worker to join our Administration for a six-week contract with possibility of extension. The Home Support Worker reports to the Community Health Nurse and is responsible for providing in-home housekeeping and personal care support for eligible clients in the Community. This position requires high-level of personal integrity and professionalism.

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July 2024

July 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of July's newsletter: July 2024


  • Offices Closed Monday July 1
  • Day Care Newsletter
  • Diabetic Foot Care- July 3
  • Job Postings
  • Band Rep Schedule
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Back 2 School Event announcement
  • CanFitPro Gym Sessions
  • Internet Safety/Sexulized Behaviour Workshop- July 9
  • Adult Paint Day- July 17
  • Diabetic Bingo- July 18
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- July 23
  • NEW PROGRAM- Non Thermal Laser Therapy- July 11, 18, 25
  • Catering Posting
  • HIV/AIDS Presentation- July 22
  • HIV/AIDS Workshop for Youth- July 10

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

Read more

Elementary School Bus Driver

Elementary School Bus Driver

Henvey Inlet First Nation is seeking a Elementary School Bus Driver to join our Administration for a temporary, 10-month contract for the 2024-25 school year. The Elementary School Bus Driver reports to the Education Counsellor and is responsible for transporting students of various ages to and from their homes and respective schools in a timely and safe manner and in accordance with MTO driving regulations, Ontario traffic laws and safe driving practices. This position requires excellent organization, communication and customer service skills.

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Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6pm

Henvey Inlet First Nation General Members Meeting June 10 2024 6PM


General Members Meeting

June 10 2024 6PM

Attend in-person, by computer or by telephone

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2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting Notice

Henvey Inlet First Nation Legacy Trust

2024 Annual Trust Membership Meeting

WHERE: O&M Building, Henvey Inlet First Nation

WHEN: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Read more

June 2024

June 2024 Newsletter

Here's your copy of June's newsletter: June 2024


  • Offices Closed Thursday June 6
  • Day Care June Newsletter
  • Band Council Meeting- June 10
  • Diabetic Foot Care- June 5
  • Job Posting
  • Ask The Nurse w. Debbie Brennan - Every Thursday
  • Ontario Works- June 13
  • Traditional Parenting- June 4 & 5
  • Father's Day event- June 11
  • Summer Bingo- June 18
  • Diabetic Bingo- June 24
  • Canadian Fire Arms Safety Course- July 19- 21
  • Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinic- June 25
  • Men's Circle- June 11 & 25

and more!

Please download and read the newsletter for more information.

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  • (705)857-2331
  • Mon to Thurs - 8:30AM – 4:30PM
    Friday - 8:30AM to Noon